Monday, 25 July 2011

Only 6 hours or so 'til the new ladder season begins!!!! +Blizzard fan art!

Unfortunately I can't stay up until 5am for the ladder to reset because I have to work in the morning saving precious lives as a lifeguard and teaching kids how to swim. Then when I get home I just have to play one game and I will find out what league I'm in!

Anyways I was looking through Starcraft 2 fan art today and some of it is pretty intense!
Check this out! I'll probably add some more fan art randomly as I go along with my posts just to spice things up! (I think I'm allowed to do this?)

By the way guys I was thinking about putting a song up on my blog that plays but can be easily turned off. What are your thoughts guys, would you like that or no? Also if anyone knows how please let me know.


  1. haha! dunno anything about this stuff but I wanna thank you for dropping by :)

  2. i am not participating but good luck :)

  3. I can't wait for the new ladder. Hopefully I will get promoted with my placement match, I've played nothing but higher-league opponents for my last 50+ games! Finally drained my bonus pool last night, but only managed to finish #2 in my Gold league. A bit annoying I couldn't get #1!

  4. hey that fan art is really cool. so detailed.

  5. not a fan of the automatic music, but my flash block will stop it anyway.

  6. Ya I probably won't put music on just cause I know it's annoying for some people especially if they don't like my taste of music.

  7. Love the fan art, and appreciate a lifeguard always :D As for the music, I tend to listen to Pandora when I blog, but if it has an easy off I wouldnt mind it!

  8. That fanart is just a bit too Mortal Kombaty for my taste

  9. I can't believe I'm still not in on Starcraft! :(

  10. The fanart looks badass.

  11. Starcraft looks pretty cool.

  12. only an idiot would play starcraft 2 instead of statcraft 1 with his friends...are you an idiot?

  13. hahahaha you mean only an idiot would play starcraft 1 with an idiot instead of playing starcraft 2. lol. sorry guys inside joke kind of?

  14. That's a really nice art :P

  15. Great update. Starcraft and alt art is epic win! Followed for more updates like these.
